The rewards of incredible client partnerships.
Last year, we were buzzing with new campaign development at Core. From research and creative concepting to photo and video shoots, there wasn’t a dull moment. The thrills are spilling over into this year as we learned we won in all three categories we entered in the 17th Annual Service Industry Advertising Awards.
It takes incredible partnerships to create award-winning campaigns
A lot of brilliant people came together to bring these three campaigns to life. It took strong, trusting relationships to ensure the work was strategically sound and beautifully executed.
It’s not easy to visualize the result of a campaign based on concept sketches and preliminary messaging. But we’re grateful for partners like Meritas Health, Arkansas Children’s Hospital and Riverside Healthcare who do just that. It requires a tremendous amount of trust, communication and passion.
As a result of these rock-solid partnerships, we developed the following award-winning campaigns.
BRONZE, TV SERIES: Meritas Health - That Happens Here
This campaign came off the heels of a top-of-mind awareness campaign we previously did for Mertias Health. The original campaign was funny and playful. After many rotations in the market, our Meritas team wanted to freshen up the campaign without it being a direct extension.
The messages for this refreshed campaign were simple: Meritas Health is convenient, patients consistently give Meritas doctors excellent ratings and online booking is available. With our client’s positive and upbeat approach to marketing, we created a campaign that allowed us to commiserate with the woes people face in healthcare. We used an over-the-top, fun approach that showed how Meritas is the answer to these healthcare pain points.
SILVER, TOTAL ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN: Arkansas Children’s Hospital Jonesboro Clinic, Stay close. Let them play.
Jonesboro is a rural college town in Northeast Arkansas. Before Arkansas Children’s Hospital created a multi-specialty clinic in Jonesboro, parents in the region needed to make the trek to Memphis or Little Rock in order to reach specialty pediatric care. The new pediatric clinic makes it easier for kids to get much-needed care.
Our job was to create awareness that made it clear this new pediatric clinic was in Jonesboro. We were inspired by the magic of seeing the world through the eyes of a child. And we were reminded how important it is for children to see the world this way for as much time as possible. Driving back and forth for needed care can take this precious time from these children. Together, with our Arkansas Children’s Hospital team, we created a magical, heartwarming campaign that harkens back to the beauty of childhood.

GOLD, PRINT ADVERTISING SERIES: Riverside Healthcare, Choose Riverside campaign
Riverside Orthopedic Specialists has several specific audiences with specific needs. Student athletes and athletic adults have sports-related injuries. Labor workers experience a lot of overuse injuries. And the aging population often struggles with hip and knee pain. To drive patient self-referrals, we took the approach of running a campaign that spoke to each audience. We blended lifestyle imagery with clinic imagery to create an upper-lower split screen effect. The top clinic shot closely matched the bottom lifestyle image so the body movements from each image had an almost fluid look.

We’re beyond fortunate to have these trusting, solid partnerships. We’ve been able to create healthcare campaigns that we are truly proud to share with the world. We can’t wait to share even more this year.
To see more of our healthcare work, visit our work page.