Core Wins Prestigious “Best of Show” Award for ThedaCare lifeinspired Campaign
Brand campaign received highest honors in the Integrated Marketing Campaign category, standing out among 4,300 entries.
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Brand campaign received highest honors in the Integrated Marketing Campaign category, standing out among 4,300 entries.
People-first culture receives its fifth distinction from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Forbes BrandVoice shares the American Heart Association’s winners, highlighting employers that are committed to the health and well-being of their workforce.
Core received several awards recognizing outstanding creative healthcare campaign work
People-first internal culture lands agency fourth consecutive honor
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The win represents our second major award from the organization, highlighting our focus on employee health and well-being.
Core received 11 creative awards in May 2022, recognizing work from seven different marketing campaigns
Agency receives its third distinction in four years, thanks to its strong culture of promoting personal and collaborative success.
Whether you’re in need of marketing services or want to put your skills to use making breakthrough creative, we want to hear from you.